Cyber crime/security

10 August 2023

Question – Would you leave your business premises unlocked once you’ve finished for the day?

I’m guessing the answer would be – Absolutely, no chance.

Just like you invest in locks and cameras to keep your property and premises secure, millions are spent each year on software to protect from cyber attacks and rightly so.

However, as wouldn’t leave your doors unlocked and assets unprotected, don’t leave them available right at the very end.

So many businesses incorrectly dispose of old assets by throwing them in skips, general bins and by having unsupervised collections. Yet, they’ve spent thousands keeping them safe from cyber attacks, to potentially end up putting all the sensitive data you’ve been keeping safe on a plate to be stolen at the last minute.

Not only is your business exposed to theft but also then exposed to serious data breaches.

You’re also risking being non-compliant with current legislation and having a harmful impact on the environment.

PLEXSTAR helps businesses and takes the stress out of this by:

Don’t leave your business open. Email [email protected] to find out how we can help you.